CF=5 SN=1 DF=30 Tech Level=5*SN Races=1+SN Classes=1 x10 Mirroring for [x2] classes x3 for single classed Min/Max levels enforced Players use: Classes where CF=5 NPC is Yed Races: CF=1 or Archetype Spells, Psi, Rogue all regular gp=plenty-Chr*100 Player Picks: Jay: +1 any action/r Manny: +1 express action/r Rian: +1 dead action/r Campaign Premise: The players are a group of mercenaries who have been hired by a wealthy and powerful noble to retrieve a valuable artifact from a dangerous dungeon. The artifact is said to be guarded by some of the most dangerous creatures in the land, and it is rumored to be worth a fortune. 3/02/23 kxp:0 to 12kxp DL=1 Storyline: Find the location of the valuable artifact. 3/09/23 kxp:12 to 48 DL=2 Storyline: Visit a hobbit hole to get more information on what the artifact is. Find out that its a Legendary version of an impact flag. 3/16/23 kxp:48 to 1000 DL=3 Storyline: We booked rooms at an inn that turned into a dungeon. We each started in a separate room. Learned that the artifact uses impact flags found in dungeons to boost its power. 3/23/23 kxp: 1000 to Storyline: PC's get the artifact. It's a [x22] Real Impact Driver with 1G, Spend 10 impact flags found in dungeons: You may take one item, spell, trap, trick, or special of DL=SN or less from this campaign and carry it to the next campaign.